Loch Fishing and Sea Fishing
Weighing the catch in the old days .. (tinted)
Sadly we are currently looking for fishing enthusiasts to send us information about angling in Lochalsh as the editor knows NOTHING about the sport. That said I live in the area and have jotted down the following observations.
Skye is surrounded by sea and the warm water of the North Atlantic Drift pushes right into most of the villages along the Lochalsh coastline. It follows sea fishing here is as good as anywhere round the west coast of Scotland. The harbour at Kyle of Lochalsh sees daily landings of catches, mainly prawns and other fish too. At the right time of year simply throwing a few brightly coloured feathers (with hooks) will pull mackerel into the boat.
Fresh water fishing in the lochs will catch brown trout, pike and samon. Sadly many of the lochs also sport signs which warn anglers that fishing is forbidden and salmon rivers will always require a permit.
Typical highland freshwater loch
If you have any information about FISHING IN LOCHALSH please send it in an email to : sales@lochalsh.com and we will update this section of the website accordingly. We are especially keen to publish a basic list of general locations both permit and non-permit.
Location of Skye and Lochalsh